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Announcements and Reminders
August 2020
Circuit Assembly Programs for 2021 Service Year: If some are unable to access the programs on jw.org or in JW Library, please ensure that printed copies are made available to them. Programs in braille will be sent automatically to publishers who regularly receive braille items from the branch office.
2021 Memorial and Special Talk: Because of the uncertainties of safely holding large gatherings in 2021, direction on local arrangements for the Memorial and the special public talk, including the invitation campaign, will be provided at a later time.
Congregation’s Territory Map on JW.ORG: A map showing your congregation’s territory assignment is now available when you are logged in to jw.org. On the “Congregation” tab, under the heading “Maintain Profile,” select “Territory.” This feature will allow you to zoom in on either the map or the satellite view to see boundary details. Additionally, you can print the map and a description of the boundaries. If you need to propose an adjustment to your territory boundaries, please follow the direction in the Territory Adjustment Request (S-6) form.
Large-Print Shepherd Book: We are pleased to inform you that a large-print edition of the Shepherd book will be produced. Shepherd—Large Print will be distributed on jw.org in PDF format. However, no JWPUB files will be produced for use in JW Library. Elders needing printed copies of Shepherd—Large Print may now inform the service overseer.
Tutorial Videos for Congregation Accounting: We are pleased to announce that the complete set of tutorial videos for congregation accounting in English is now available in the “Event Media” section on the “Documents” tab when logged in to jw.org.
Adjustment to Resolved Congregation Donations: The resolved monthly donation referred to in the announcement for congregations is based on a monthly per-publisher amount suggested by the branch office. The single monthly donation to the worldwide work will replace the resolved donations previously remitted in support of Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide, the Global Assistance Arrangement, the Circuit Overseer Assistance Arrangement, as well as the new Connectivity Services Program. Instructions for Congregation Accounting (S-27), related accounting forms, and the Funds Transfer page on jw.org will be updated in due course.
The per-publisher amount listed on the jw.org web page containing the link to this announcement should be multiplied by the number of active publishers in the congregation to determine the suggested monthly donation for your congregation. It is understood that some congregations will not be able to donate the suggested amount while others will be able to donate more. Therefore, the body of elders should consider whether the suggest-ed amount would impose a hardship on the congregation or the congregation is in a position to donate the suggested amount or more. The monthly donation agreed upon by the body of elders should be presented in a resolution to the congregation for approval. Please note that the resolved donation should be sent on a monthly basis and not as a single amount for the service year.
The resolution should be written as follows: “We, the _________________ Congregation, resolve to donate ___________ each month to the worldwide work for the 2021 service year. The monthly donation will be made from congregation funds, which are obtained by means of contributions made to the local congregation.”
(Usprawnienia dotyczące środków wysyłanych do Biura Oddziału: Usprawnienie o którym mowa w ogłoszeniu dla zboru jest oparte na miesięcznej kwocie pieniędzy na jednego głosiciela. Kwotę tę sugeruje biuro oddziału. Pojedyncza miesięczna darowizna na ogólnoświatową działalność zastąpi różne rezolucje, które wcześnie musiał podejmować zbór by wspiera program budowy sal Królestwa oraz Zgromadzeń, globalny Program Pomocy, Program Pomocy Nadzorcom Obwodu jak też nowy program (Connectivity Services Program). Instrukcję dla księgowości zborowej, związane z nią formularze oraz strona z przelewem będą niedługo dostępne na jw.org.
Kwota na głosiciela podana na stronie jw.org, która zawiera link do tych ogłoszeń powinna zostać pomnożona przez ilość czynnych głosicieli w zborze, by określić zalecaną miesięczną kwotę, którą zbór przekaże do biura oddziału. Oczywiście, niektóre zbory mogą nie być w stanie ofiarować sugerowanej kwoty lecz inne będą mogły ofiarować więcej. Dlatego też, grona starszych powinno przeanalizować czy zalecana kwota nie okaże się ciężarem dla zboru czy też może zbór nie jest w sytuacji, w której może ofiarować taką kwotę lub większą. Miesięczna kwota, którą zaakceptuje grono starszych, powinna zostać poddana pod rezolucję dla zboru do zaakceptowania. Proszę zwrócic uwagę, że kwotę tę należy przesyłać co miesiąc a nie raz w roku.
Rezolucja powinna brzmieć: “My, zbór ___________, decydujemy się przekazać ____________ każdego miesiąca na ogólnoświatową działalność w roku służbowym 2021. Miesięczna darowizna będzie pozyskana z funduszy zborowych, które są gromadzone z datków na potrzeby zboru.)
9. Connectivity Services Program: As an update to our January 18, 2020, letter, expenses for the Connectivity Services Program will be included in the resolved congregation donation. Equipment has been purchased and will be installed at each location when it is safe to do so. To successfully implement the program nationwide, please do not renew (including by automatic renewal), or enter into new, long-term contracts for internet or telephone services.
Announcements for Congregations: Please ensure that the announcements for congregations are read at the next midweek meeting. If before that meeting the body of elders has determined the resolution amount referred to in the announcements for elders, the resolution should be presented immediately following the reading of the announcements for congregations. Otherwise, after reading the announcement, inform the congregation that the resolution will be presented the following week.
Instructions for New Regular Pioneers (S-236): The regular pioneer welcome letter has been replaced with a new document entitled Instructions for New Regular Pioneers. It should be provided to new regular pioneers at the time they are informed of their appointment. Since information regarding pioneer hour credit has been added to the document, please ensure that all those currently serving as regular pioneers also receive the document.
Tutorial Videos for Congregation Accounting: Please ensure that the accounts servant and others involved in the accounting procedures have access to the tutorial vide-os for congregation accounting. A link to a document providing recommendations on which videos would be beneficial for each congregation accounting role has been included on the jw.org web page containing the links to the videos.
Adjustment to Resolved Congregation Donations: After the resolution referred to in the announcement for elders has been approved by the congregation, please ensure that it is given to the accounts servant. The monthly amount should be included on the “World-wide Work (Resolution)” line of the Record of Funds Transfer (TO-62) and on jw.org. Addi-tionally, in view of this adjustment, any resolved onetime donation of funds in excess of the congregation’s target balance should be made to the worldwide work and combined with the amount of the resolved monthly donation on the Record of Funds Transfer and on jw.org.
2021 Memorial and Special Talk Invitations: In preparation for the possible distribution of printed invitations for the 2021 Memorial and special public talk, each congregation should submit a request by Friday, September 11, 2020, using the item number 7959. If a request is not received from your congregation by the due date, the branch office will determine the quantity to be sent to your congregation. In the event that conditions will not permit distribution of a printed invitation, your request will be canceled.
Large-Print Shepherd Book: Please use the item number 54366 or the mnemonic sfllp when requesting Shepherd—Large Print. When shipped, the books will be wrapped to en-sure confidentiality and will be labeled for delivery to the coordinator of the body of elders.
Standing Requests for Magazines: Language-coordinating congregations should adjust standing requests to account for the reduced use of Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower during the pandemic.—See Literature Request and Inventory Guidelines (S-56), paragraphs 6 and 8.
Announcements and Reminders
August 2020
Circuit Assembly Programs for 2021 Service Year: Printed copies of circuit assembly programs for the 2021 service year will not be provided by the branch office. However, electronic copies are available on jw.org and in JW Library. If you need assistance with printing a copy from jw.org, feel free to contact your field service group overseer or another capable publisher.
Memorial: On Saturday, March 27, 2021, we will observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. (Luke 22:19) No weekend meeting will be scheduled that week. Additionally, please note that the 2022 Memorial observance will be held on Friday, April 15, 2022. The 2023 Memorial observance will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
2021 Special Talk: To generate enthusiasm for the Memorial, the 2021 special public talk will be presented the week before the Memorial, during the week of March 15, 2021. Congregations that have an assembly or the visit of the circuit overseer the week of March 15 will usually have the special talk one week earlier.
Hour Requirement for Pioneers and Missionaries: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the ministry of pioneers and field missionaries. The Governing Body understands the challenges and does not want these faithful servants to feel pressured to meet an hour requirement. Thus, until further notice, regular pioneers, special pioneers, and missionaries are not expected to reach a specific hour requirement. We are confident that all will do their best. We hope this provision allows our hardworking pioneers and missionaries to continue to find joy in their service during this challenging time.—Read Colossians 3:23, 24.
(Wymagania godzinowe dla pionierów i misjonarzy: Pandemia COVID-19 znacząco wpłynęła na służbę pionierów i misjonarzy w terenie. Ciało Kierownicze zdaje sobie sprawę z wyzwań i nie chce, aby ci wierni słudzy czuli się pod presją, by spełnić wymóg godzinowy. Dlatego też, do odwołania, od pionierów stałych, pionierów specjalnych i misjonarzy nie oczekuje się, że osiągną konkretną wymaganą liczbę godzin. Jesteśmy przekonani, że będą robić co mogą by w pełni służyć Jehowie. Mamy nadzieję, że to postanowienie pozwoli naszym ciężko pracującym pionierom i misjonarzom nadal znajdować radość w ich służbie w tym trudnym czasie.- Czytaj Kolosan 3:23, 24.)
Adjustment to Resolved Congregation Donations: In the past, the congregation was presented with multiple resolutions to donate funds to the branch office in support of various activities cared for by the organization. This arrangement has been simplified. For the upcoming service year, the congregation will be presented with a single resolution to donate a monthly amount to the worldwide work.
(moje tłumaczenie: Usprawnienia dotyczące środków wysyłanych do Biura Oddziału: W przeszłości zbór podejmował wiele rezolucji o przekazaniu środków finansowych do biura oddziału w związku z różnymi dziedzinami służby. Te postanowienie zostało uproszczone. W następnym roku służbowym, zborowi zostanie przedstawiona jedna rezolucja o przekazaniu stałej miesięcznej kwoty z kasy zboru na działalność ogólnoświatową.)
The branch office uses worldwide work funds to support various activities that benefit congregations. Such activities include renovating and constructing Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls; caring for incidents at theocratic facilities, including those involving natural disaster, fire, theft, or vandalism; providing technology and related services; and assisting with the travel costs of selected special full-time servants in foreign service who attend international conventions.
(Biuro oddziału używa środków przekazanych na ogólnoświatową działalność by wspierać różne postanowienia teokratyczne, które są korzystne dla zborów. Chodzi o remonty, budowy sal Królestwa oraz sale zgromadzeń, zabezpieczenie obiektów teokratycznych na wypadek katastrof naturalnych, pożarów, kradzieży czy wandalizmu, dostarczanie rozwiązań technologicznych i różnych usług informatycznych oraz pomoc w pokryciu kosztów podróży wybranych sług pełnoczasowych na kongresy międzynarodowe.)
[Note: If the body of elders has determined the resolution amount referred to in the announcements for elders, the resolution should be presented now. Otherwise, inform the congregation that the resolution will be presented the following week.]
Ten list został/zostanie odczytany w polskich zborach. Nie mam jednak dostępu do polskie wersji, dlatego posiłkuje się angielską.