Unsurprisingly, some Jehovah’s Witnesses want to get out of Russia. Spokespeople estimate that hundreds have fled the country in recent months. Yet tens of thousands are determined to stay, and they see the Kremlin’s repression as a test of their convictions. “My years of serving Jehovah God under a ban taught me that this makes a believer even stronger,” says Pavel Sivulskiy, 86, who says he spent seven years in a Soviet gulag for his beliefs. “We pray more often and more ardently, and are together more frequently.”
Co madrzejsi sobie wyjada z Rosji a zachod ich przyjmie z otwartymi rekami. Chce tylko powiedziec ze to nie jest sposob na walke z sj.
A autor tego artykul cytuje wypowiedzi religioznawcy, ze to byla polityczna zagrywka. Eeeeeehhhh....
Czemu jesli chodzi o religie, to nikt wprost nie napisze ze chodzi o kase I wplywy, jak zawsze?
Like many other religious groups, including the Russian Orthodox Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been rocked in recent years by child abuse scandals. In Britain, dozens of current and former members alleged in March that they had been sexually assaulted. They also accused senior members of covering up the abuse. “Elders treat victims of child abuse with compassion, understanding, and kindness,” the Jehovah’s Witnesses responded in a statement. However, there have been no allegations of child abuse against the religious group in Russia, and attorneys for the Justice Ministry did not cite the issue ahead of the Supreme Court’s decision to classify them as extremists.
A tutaj wspominaja o wykorzystywaniu seksualne dzieci - ale mowia o tym, tak by zlagodzic Swiadkowie byli oskarzani o ukrywanie seksualne wykorzystywania dzieci ale inne religie tez mialy takie skandale, nawet Kosciol prawoslawmy.
Noe jestem pewna, Cegla pomoz, ale wydaje mi sie, ze autor mysli, ze byli oskarzani seniorzy - w znaczeniu wieku, ze fakt wykorzystywania seksualne ukrywali. Czy ja to dobrze rozumiem? 😃 ... Tak mi wyglada z kontekstu, ze autor nie rozumie swiadkowskiego uzycia slowa "starsi" 😄? Co myslisz?