Na s. 404 Zydek pisze, że Russell w 1915 roku był spłukany finansowo. Wykosztował się na Fotodramie.
Ale otrzymał 1 mln dolarów od Rockefellera, któremu ponoć podobała się działalność pastora. Łączyło ich też inwestowanie w paliwa.
Drugi milion otrzymał od "zamożnej Helen Gould".
Russell nie odpowiada na pytanie zadane w liście, choć list publikuje w Strażnicy 01.07 1915 s. 207 [reprint s. 5724]:
For some time it has seemed expedient that I write you re some field observations. You may recall that I reported while South about a year ago that a rumor was then going the rounds of that section that Rockefeller had sent you a check for a million dollars. Since reaching the territory which I have been in for the past six weeks, I have come up against a widely circulated report that you had received another million dollars, but this time from Helen Gould. Now this report is vouched for as being authentic, for it is said to have come from some one engaged in the work, recently at Brooklyn, so he knows (they think). If such reports were not so absurd they would be laughable. How any one can give credence to such reports I cannot understand.
Your brother by His kind favor, W. M. WISDOM.
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