Ang. skorowidz ŚJ podaje też:
*** dx30-85 Beliefs Clarified ***
1941, issue of universal domination: jp 193; w55 649; wl 219-220; w41 245-246
Fragment dotyczy Teokracji:
*** w55 11/1 p. 649 Part 21—Education for the Theocratic Ministry Advanced ***
After the St. Louis convention of August 6-10, 1941, where J. F. Rutherford addressed his largest visible public audience of 115,000, also releasing the new book Children and making known for the first time that universal domination was the great issue, the Watch Tower Society’s president, now 72, progressively failed in health. Finally, on January 8, 1942, J. F. Rutherford died, having served in the office of president of the Society for twenty-five years and two days. Following is an excerpt from the Watchtower announcement, under the title “A Faithful Witness”:
“TO ALL LOVERS OF THE THEOCRACY: On January 8, 1942, our beloved brother, J. F. Rutherford, faithfully finished his earthly course as a warrior for The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT and a minister of the Word of God. Knowing of your deep concern and of your prayers to God for him ever since his serious illness prior to the Detroit Convention of July, 1940, we hasten to notify you. It was Brother Rutherford’s desire to ‘die fighting with his boots on’; and this he did. The Lord graciously spared him to complete the report of the 1942 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, therein showing that the greatest witness ever given had been accomplished and that the year’s distribution of books and booklets reached the grand total of 36,030,595 copies. He always had foremost in mind to DO THIS ONE THING, to declare the name of Jehovah and his kingdom, to keep covenant with Him, and to look well to the interests of his brethren.”
Thus ended the energetic earthly ministerial career of an uncompromising fighter for righteousness. Vigorous and extensive was Brother Rutherford’s unselfish contribution toward the upbuilding of the New World theocratic society. Still today he lives long in the memory of scores of thousands.