Ray Franz jako członek CK
Strażnica Rok XCVI [1975] Nr 8 s. 6 (ang. 15.01 1975 s. 60);
ang. Strażnica 01.11 1976 s. 671-672;
Strażnica Rok CI [1980] Nr 3 s. 18 (ang. 01.01 1979 s. 11);
ang. „Nasza Służba Królestwa” Nr 5, 1977 s. 1;
ang. „Nasza Służba Królestwa” Nr 8, 1980 s. 2;
1972 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 158, 162, 164, 166-168;
1973 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 257;
1978 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 254;
1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 159;
„W skład Ciała Kierowniczego wchodzi obecnie osiemnastu członków, sami pomazańcy; a oto nazwiska pozostałych dziesięciu: Frederick W. Franz, Raymond V. Franz, George D. Gangas, Leo K. Greenlees, John O. Groh, Milton G. Henschel, William K. Jackson, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter i Lyman A. Swingle” (Strażnica Rok XCVI [1975] Nr 8 s. 6, art. „Ciało Kierownicze Świadków Jehowy w powiększonym składzie”);
He was followed by Raymond Franz, who himself had attended Gilead School and served some twenty years in foreign assignments. He urged following the cultured and highly educated apostle Paul, who learned to be content regardless of circumstances. Like Paul, the Gilead graduates may well be called upon to bear the ‘brand marks of Christ’ due to hardships and persecution. (ang. Strażnica 01.11 1976 s. 671-672);
Recently Raymond Franz returned from a zone trip to Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile. He reported that the 123 members of the Bethel family in São Paulo, Brazil, find that their once-spacious factory and office facilities are now pressed to capacity. Interest in the Kingdom message is great in that part of the field, over 210,000 attending their recent series of district assemblies. The thirty-five missionaries there with whom Brother Franz met have served in their assignments for a total of 476 years—a reflection of the zeal that many of the brothers there feel for Jehovah’s service. In both Paraguay and Uruguay, Brother Franz met many of the friends from Argentina who crossed the border in order to assemble with their brothers in lands where there is greater freedom to do so. Despite changed circumstances in Argentina, they are continuing to press ahead with the Lord’s work. (ang. „Nasza Służba Królestwa” Nr 5, 1977 s. 1);
„Następnie brat Raymond Franz, członek Ciała Kierowniczego, wygłosił przemówienie inauguracyjne. Dobitnie naświetlił znaczenie służenia Jehowie z radością (Nehem. 8:10). Wykazał, jak daremne bywają ludzkie zabiegi i jak szybko przemija chwała świata (na przykładzie Cezara i Napoleona)...” (Strażnica Rok CI [1980] Nr 3 s. 18, art. „Budowanie i sadzenie we Francji” [uroczystość oddania do użytku nowych pomieszczeń francuskiego Betel]).
1972 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 158, 162, 164, 166-168 (tu nie cytujemy, gdyż jak widać, jest to długi fragment, obejmujący kilkanaście stron);
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses consists of eleven brothers, all anointed of God. They are as follows: Frederick W. Franz, Raymond V. Franz, George D. Gangas, Leo K. Greenlees, John O. Groh, Milton G. Henschel, William K. Jackson, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter, Thomas J. Sullivan and Lyman A. Swingle. It was determined on September 6, 1971, that the chairmanship for the Governing Body should rotate according to alphabetical arrangement. (1973 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 257);
Just over a year later, Brother Raymond Franz was invited to inaugurate that same building, which had been converted into a magnificent assembly hall with seating for 1,300, as well as an ample cafeteria dining room, and baptism pool. (1978 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 254);
Finally, the new annex was completed, and on Saturday, May 13, 1978, Brother Raymond Franz of the Governing Body gave the dedication talk in French. The Incarville annex now houses the shipping department and also accommodates Bethel brothers who work at Louviers. (1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses s. 159).